To build and maintain this type of website would typically cost over $2000 annually for individual
agents, but it's only free for Real Estate eBroker agents. Here is a list of a few of the benefits:
Drive Traffic and generate Leads
Capability to upload pictures, listings, city attractions and any other information you prefer
Contact tab included for clients to communicate directly with you
Separate Buyer and Seller tabs for you to customize
Search Engine Optimization
To view a sample of an agent's website, please visit this link:
The websites have many built-in tools which will allow you to easily modify, adjust,
and personalize your own website. If you have any ideas or suggestions for the agent websites,
please email :
To access your website, go to the Settings and Personal Information page, then click Edit My Website or use the link below.
Once you've customized your website to your preference, switch it to ON to activate it.
Edit My Website
Please remember that your DRE license number must be visible on your homepage to be in
regulation with the DRE compliance.
The Real Estate eBroker team always works energetically to bring our agents useful tools and services to
help promote their success. Due to an ever increasing online presence, we believe that a website is
one of the most valuable tools that we can offer our agents. So, we are providing this to you free of charge!