Social Networking Features
User profiles
Profiles are often used as a point of contact betwen users, and MonoX provides flexible architecture and modules to publish information about its users in a convinient way, respecting their privacy settings. You can choose between Gravatar service and local avatar repository to attach personal photos to profiles.
Support for OpenID and RPX
OpenID allows you to log-in to MonoX-based portals and applications without performing the time consuming registration process and remembering your credentials. RPX goes even further by integrating major online services, so you will be able to log in by using your credentials from Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace and other major social networking systems.
Friendship modules
Different terms describe the "friendship" or "connection" concept for different community types, but in all cases it is the fundamental feature of all social networks. MonoX provides a flexible set of modules for displaying and managing user friend lists.
Blog engine
MonoX now includes a fully featured multi-user blog engine with support for comments, ratings, tagging and automatic anti-spam protection. Each user can have unlimited number of blogs, blog posts, tags and categories.
Photo albums
Each portal user can upload and organize photos using the album infrastructure. Thumbnails for common image file types are generated on the fly and stored on the server.
Groups allow users of your community to interact with each other around a common topic. Modules such as walls, forums, albums, file galleries can all be utilized in the group context.
Discussion boards
MonoX discussion boards allow users to easily post messages and comments to the community in a way that all the responses will be viewable no matter how much time passes between each post.
Media galleries
Many social networking sites are very dependant upon media galleries, as they could draw the large percentage of visitors back to the site. MonoX support a generic architecture that allows you to host videos, photos, resumes, or any other kind of physical files.
Activity streams
Users can track the activity of their friends and be instantly notified when somebody publishes an interesting blog post, uploads a photo, joins the community...
Messaging is essential to all community sites as it allows users to communicate with each another (or a whole group) directly, resembling the look and feel of traditional mail clients.
Video conversion and sharing
In addition to standard media gallery functionality, MonoX supports third-party plug-ins for video conversion that allow users to upload any kind of video material and have it coverted to standard Flash formats.
Wall is a kind of virtual space on every user's profile or group page that allows friends to post messages for other users to see. In essence, this is usually the central gathering point for all users of a community.
Comment modules allow your users to interact with the content and other members of your social network. Our flexible infrastructure enables administrators to attach comments to virtually any kind of content: wall notes, blog posts, images, etc.
Ratings can be a very important part of any community-based content site. They allow the whole community to be in charge of what content takes precedence on the site.
Similar to comments and ratings, tags can be attached to different types of content, allowing users to build an independant form of navigation and/or categorization.